A Gentle and Effective Approach for Trauma Healing
Lifespan Integration (LI) is a gentle body-based approach originally developed by Peggy Pace to heal trauma without re-traumatizing. It is now used for a variety of therapeutic issues in addition to trauma healing (e.g., depression, anxiety, grief). In her 2003 book, Lifespan Integration: Connecting Ego States Through Time, Peggy described the development of her novel therapeutic approach that offers individuals the potential for effective and efficient healing by capitalizing on neuroplasticity.
As it turns out, healing and resilience after trauma is not so dependent on what happened to you but whether others around you offered love, support, and the opportunity to process and integrate the trauma into your life experience. Many have not been so fortunate, particularly those who grew up with neglect and abuse.
If left unattended, traumatized parts of self can become “exiled” within, tucked away to prevent re-living the experience, but also with the potential to become activated and limiting later on. Lifespan Integration uses memory cues from the client’s life to “update” these exiled parts, offering incontrovertible evidence and neural re-organization to support the mind-body-spirit’s deep knowing that the distressing time is over. To learn more about the neuroscience behind Lifespan Integration, please click here.
A clinical study conducted in Sweden and published in October 2020 demonstrated the effectiveness of a single-session modified Lifespan Integration treatment for individuals who experienced PTSD following a sexual assault. See the study here.
I completed my training and year-long certification process in Lifespan Integration in 2018. I remained certified until September 2022. I use this modality with the majority of my clients. Check for more information on Lifespan Integration.
As it turns out, healing and resilience after trauma is not so dependent on what happened to you but whether others around you offered love, support, and the opportunity to process and integrate the trauma into your life experience. Many have not been so fortunate, particularly those who grew up with neglect and abuse.
If left unattended, traumatized parts of self can become “exiled” within, tucked away to prevent re-living the experience, but also with the potential to become activated and limiting later on. Lifespan Integration uses memory cues from the client’s life to “update” these exiled parts, offering incontrovertible evidence and neural re-organization to support the mind-body-spirit’s deep knowing that the distressing time is over. To learn more about the neuroscience behind Lifespan Integration, please click here.
A clinical study conducted in Sweden and published in October 2020 demonstrated the effectiveness of a single-session modified Lifespan Integration treatment for individuals who experienced PTSD following a sexual assault. See the study here.
I completed my training and year-long certification process in Lifespan Integration in 2018. I remained certified until September 2022. I use this modality with the majority of my clients. Check for more information on Lifespan Integration.